Switch statements

Kasper Møberg Rasmussen
2 min readApr 7, 2021

When writing a program, if statements are a powerful tool for branching code, but sometimes you need to make a lot of individual checks on a single variable, and filling up 100+ lines of code with “if else” statements is at best unappealing.

This is where switch statements come in. Taking a single variable and comparing it against a case, here typeOfPowerUp is an integer value with an intended range of 0–2. When the variable and case compare true, it executes the code like a typical if statement.

But what if I accidentally assign a value greater than 2 to typeOfPowerUp? As the code is currently, it will simply pass all the cases and not execute any of them, failing gracefully but silently.

Using the default keyword I can have the code react accordingly, here I log that there has been a invalid value assigned. But the original purpose of default is to execute the default behavior, while the different cases handle special cases.



Kasper Møberg Rasmussen

Masters graduate of Learning and experience technology from University of southern Denmark, with a passion for the future of interaction.